
80 years of Pelliconi: Marco Checchi writes to all the personnel of the company.

An open letter from Marco Checchi, CEO, to the great family of Pelliconi on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the company. To all the personnel, to all the collegues, to all the friends. To you.

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate our company’s 80th anniversary.
This recurrence instantly brings us back to 1939 when Angelo Pelliconi, in his early 30s and with a young daughter, decided to open a small metal production business in Bologna, using all his savings and even some loans. These were the years preceding the war and the country’s situation wasn’t very favorable towards new initiatives, but the strength and motivation that had always distinguished him had the upper hand and, in March of that same year, he records the beginning of Pelliconi’s operations at the Chamber of Commerce in Bologna. The following years were very complicated for him, for his family and for his new company; the war was leaving indelible marks on people and the small building where the company was located was bombed and destroyed twice; all of this did not make him despair, with his wife and daughter displaced in the countryside, he kept his idea alive throughout the war and then finally reached the 50s, when Pelliconi started to look like the company we all know now.
Luckily he was able to witness almost 15 years of success and development of the company, which at that time was distinguished by an innate sense for exports, of which it will become a true national champion later on. Unfortunately, Angelo died in a terrible car accident at only 58, in the middle of Pelliconi’s growth. The company kept moving forward, led by his son-in-law, and our current President, Franco Gnudi, who was already part of the sales team of Pelliconi. Franco succeeds in infusing the company with not only an international spirit but also a managerial imprint, something very rare, even today, in family businesses. Thanks to his capabilities Pelliconi brilliantly overcomes all the periods of crisis that have alternated in Italy, from the energy crisis, to terrorism, etc., always calling for fairness, honesty, quality of products and relationships with his personnel. The rest is recent history that we all know about.
I would like to highlight how Pelliconi's success is to be attributed in equal measure to the family, which has never impoverished the company and has always reinvested profits into the company itself, but also to all the personnel. From 1939 to today, like in a relay race, from generation to generation, we run to keep alive the dream of Angelo Pelliconi, a very precise dream that animated him 80 years ago: to advance his company, benefiting not only himself and his family, but also all the employees, their families and the community in which he lived.
After all, the young men and women who have entered Pelliconi ever since, have received a "baton", which they will carry with pride for their entire career in Pelliconi, committing themselves not to end the dream of that boy from Sesto Imolese , who spent many sleepless nights imagining a better future. This is the spirit that I would like to instill in this year 2019, a year of joy, of festivities, of memories but also of many investment and innovation projects that will characterize our next 5 years, because the 100 candles are just around the corner.

Love you all

Marco Checchi